Help for APK (Dutch MOT) inspectors, Appraisers and RDW Recognition Holders.

Have you come into conflict with the RDW and do you have a dispute or problem where you want to be helped by a colleague? Then you have come to the right place.

The RDW is a special government organization with very far-reaching powers and is surrounded by special laws and regulations. The most sensible thing to do is to contact us immediately after the occurrence or if a problem is suspected. Unfortunately, it sometimes has to be concluded afterwards that if good advice had been given in good time, many problems could have occurred. That is why we also offer to provide guidance in an (imminent) conflict.

We are colleagues who want to help you if you have problems with the RDW!

Wrongly received a suspension due to exceeding the Cusum stand?

If an unjustified suspension is imposed because you as a garage or inspector would have exceeded the cusum level, then you usually have a problem. Apart from the foregoing, the chance of a sample also increases. As indicated, the RDW uses the; ’the polluter pays system’. A mix of the cusum status of the inspection body (AI) and the judge (KM).

Call us in time in case of problems!

Make an objection to an incorrectly negative sanction? To do or not to do?

You may think that (Cusum) penalty points incurred will be compensated later with the following positive samples, but the RDW can change its policy in the meantime and that ‘penalty’ will suddenly count again months later. If a sample is wrongly rejected and the books simply state otherwise, use the opportunity to object and put it on paper! We are happy to help you with that!

Save all APK inspection reports?

Yes, just do it. Make it a habit to save all cancellations in a separate (personal) folder. In fact, write down notes on who brought the car, 06-number, details, etc. Although it is no longer necessary, it can be used as proof later if the RDW states that you would not have approved a car, for example. The RDW uses internal systems that you cannot consult. We have now come to the conclusion that these lists of the RDW are incorrect. You can only prove that if you keep track of it yourself. As an APK inspector you are also responsible for cancellations yourself!

The colleagues

Gerard de Jong, APK Centre Apeldoorn

Gerard de Jong, APK Centre Apeldoorn


RDW Lawyer

Mr. H.J.G. Dudink / Advocaat

Mr. H.J.G. Dudink / Advocaat

Click on the phone for the Legal Emergency Center and 24/7 assistance

Contact us

Do you need help or have a question about our services. Please contact us with the form below and we will answer as soon as possible.

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